
Endnote, tooth

Ian Kiaer

05.04.2017 - 27.05.2017, opening 05.04.2017

Endnote, tooth
Exhibition view
Endnote, tooth
Exhibition view
Endnote, tooth
Exhibition view
Endnote, tooth
Exhibition view
Endnote, tooth, play, 2017
Ian Kiaer
Endnote, tooth, play, 2017
4 concrete elements
4 x (9 x 9 x 9 cm)
exhibition view, Marcelle Alix, 2017
photo: Aurélien Mole
courtesy Marcelle Alix, Paris

Ian Kiaer's pieces have certain ways of being: let's call them manners, rhythms, paces or styles. These are works that take reality on as a multitude, a plurality that's made in the image of the nuances life itself can offer. Each thing ventures its initial form in relation to the exhibition space and its visitors. Each proposal draws on the preexistent exhibition conditions, claiming the heroical aspect of any element, giving an equal importance to each, down to the tiniest object placed on the ground which one has to bend towards to really survey. This exhibition is an hymn to color and to an ethics that would be nothing without form. Work as a mode of existence rather than a mode of appearing.